Our Policies and Terms of Service

Health and Vaccinations: Client confirms that Rabies, Distemper/Parvo, and Bordetella Vaccines are current and up to date and agrees to provide proof. Groomer Reserves the right to refuse service if they feel grooming would be unsafe for the pet or themselves.

Grooming Process: Client understands the grooming procedure varies from pet to pet. It will most commonly call for the use of clippers, scissors, dryers, and other equipment. While the groomer takes the utmost care, there is a minimal risk, including cuts, quickening of nails, nicks, and skin irritation.

Behavior: The groomer reserves the right to refuse or stop service at any time before, during, or after grooming if the pet’s behavior poses a danger to itself or the groomer. Aggressive animals are not eligible to be groomed. If a pet becomes aggressive during grooming, service will be stopped, and the client will be charged only for services done up until that point.

Liability: The client agrees that the groomer will not be held responsible for any pre-existing or underlying conditions aggravated during grooming. The client agrees that the groomer will not be held responsible for accidents or injuries that may occur during grooming.

Matted Coats: Client understands that a matted coat is a health problem and requires removal. Severely matted coats can cause and hide underlying health conditions. The groomer will not be held responsible for these, if found. Additional fees apply based on severity and extra time required.

Treatment: The client gives permission for their pet to be seen and treated by Lakewood Veterinary Center if treatment becomes necessary during the grooming process. The client will be notified and will be responsible for paying for any exam fees, medications or procedures to Lakewood Veterinary center if this does occur.

No Shows, Cancellations, And Late Arrivals: The client agrees to contact Stevie’s Room Grooming at least 24 hours in advance of the appointment to cancel or reschedule. History of no-shows and/or late cancellations may result in a $30 fee added to their next service, nonrefundable pre-payment being required, or refusal of future services. Clients who are more than 15 mins late without contacting the groomer risk losing their appointment without notice.

Photos: Client consents to photos of their pet being taken and posted to social media and used in advertisements for Stevie's Room Grooming.